Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life and Love

Life and love… Life is unbearable when you don’t have love BUT you cant live on love alone. Thru out these almost 7 years of marriage I have lived and dealt with things that I never thought I would have to live with. I learned things that I am in away grateful to have learned even if I didn’t want to learn them at the time. They aren’t easy lessons in fact some of them are down right hard as diamonds.

These lessons taught me that no matter what you have to push through and persevere. That you must try to prepare for the future. You must be an independent person in marriage yet you must be dependent on your spouse in some ways for the marriage to work. There is now “we” yet you must know who “me” is if you want the marriage to work. You must not try to change your spouse you can change yourself. If you wanted to change your spouse why did you marry them in the first place?

Anyway I am currently planning for a future that may or may never happen. I am hoping against it but the saying is “Hope for the best but plan for the future.” I am making the plans that I need to in order to protect my own future.

I am going to go to Butterball and put an application in and hopefully I will be able to get a job then I am going to get the things I want and have the house and hopefully turn it into the home I want.

Fingers Crossed


Monday, May 28, 2012

The Week Before 7 years.

Well next Monday is our 7th Anniversary. I cant believe that it has been this long. Things are definitely going to be different for us this time around. We both are actually going to be a family instead of two people who are just married to each. We are aslo going to get this house organized and running the way that we want it to be

So this week the plan is to

        • Do ALL of the laundry
        • move the living room back the way we want to
        • create some rules for the house.
        • Completely clean the bedroom… its bad.
        • Dust
        • Clean all the windows
        • Get all of the cobwebs
        • Reorganize the Kitchen Drawers
        • Clean up the Yard (when it cool)

There is probably more but for now that’s all I can think off. I want 7yrs to start off right


Happy Memorial Day

A wish and prayer and thank you for all those who are or did serve our country and  for those who died for our country. I don’t just mean the military. I mean the firemen, police and the doctors ambulance drivers. Everyone who serves and protect  our country whether overseas or at home.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Made Homeade Bread

Well I made homeade bread to day and I messed it up. I accidentally had the toaster oven on toast instead of bake. Its edible but doesnt taste very good when u eat it plain. So i will have to figure some way to use it up.

Oh well maybe next time it will turn out better. Heres hopein.

The kittens have names

Well we named the kittens the orange one is named wiggle worm, the dark grey one is a charcoal. And then theres the all black one... His name is loudmouth cause he doesnt shut up.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Sister

My Little Sister

My Little Sister is 13 and as much as I love her she’s already driving my crazy. I am afraid that she’s growing up WAY too fast. I may have to start cleaning the shotgun already. I was hoping not to have to until at least 15.

She wants to be a fashion designer and plans on moving to New York when she gets old enough. She plans on becoming rich someday and I wish her the best. I don’t know how to advise her or anything. There is 11 years difference in our age. I seem old to her I hope that someday we will be able to be close but I am just not sure how that will happen. My only bet is to just be there for her and help her if she should ever need it.

I don’t know how to help her to become the person she can be especially since I am not even sure of what kind of person I am going to be yet and I am 25. I once did see the future of all three of us  well off (mine from selling a couple of books) and visiting but I am not sure about that possibility anymore.

She has been calling me all the time lately. I am not sure why. We don’t talk much when she does call. Perhaps its because she’s just lonely. I am not sure.

Anyway I had better get back to doing the dishes….

Another use for a Journal

I found another use for one of my journals. I am using it to create a recipe book of the recipes I want to keep after having made it (with my variations of course). I wont add the ones that are already in one of my cookbooks. In the cookbook I will mark in my own adjustments. I mean the recipes I find online or a family member gives me.

But I wont add the recipe to the book until it has been tested out. They wont be organized but oh well maybe if I get enought it wont matter. Any way I am going to mark the date that its added as well as what catagory it belongs in.

Maybe these recipes will be passed down from generation to generation.

Good luck cooking.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Old fashioned living and frugal tips

Sometimes I wish that I could go back to the pioneering days. I am like how they were frugal and helpful to one another. They were two busy to cause trouble. Well at least most of them.

Some day I plan on having my own farm and ranch and will need to know the way things used to be. Heck it wouldnt hurt to know them now.

So i am looking up ways to make money go a little further. So I am doing most of my own cooking. Or at least I need to start. I wish we still had chicken so that I could make everything from scratch but I find that right now its not possible. However for now I can do what I can to ensure that things stretch a little further then normal.

Like making chicken and dumplings and constantly adding more dumplings in order to make it into at least 3 days worth of meals. And it constantly tastes better and better.

Anyway if anyone has any oldfashioned frugal tips let me know.

Adopt a Cat

Well about a week ago we adopted a stray cat.... Well more like she adopted us.We named her Peaches. Cueball died on the 18th and we of course were sad cause we had him and his older brother since they were born.

Yesterday we open the front door to see Peaches along with 2 kittens. And today she brought us another one. And we dont know if she's gonna bring us more or what. They are adorable kittens it seems as if we have 3 little replacements for Cueball. I havent got a clue what we are gonna do with them but right now they are to young to leave their mother.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Officially Summer

Well schools out for the summer down here in AR. So that means its no longer spring. I have no clue what I am going to do this summer. Probably not much of anything.

This weekend was Crawdad days in Harrison. Before long it will be county fair time. I really wish that we could go but I dont think we will.

I also cant believe that our 7th anniversary is in 16 days. I wish we could celebrate but its not possible with Jesse's ribs... You know I think his ribs are ruining everything. Oh well I had better get used to it.


Makeup for May 19, 2012

Well here is day 1 of my wearing makeup everyday. I am keeping it somewhat simple. I am even wearing Dark Vanilla perfume. I love the smell of Vanilla. I also have Chery Vanilla and Vanilla Fields which I LOVE!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Making a home

In less than a month Jesse and I will be celebrating our 7th anniversary. I cant believw that its been that long sometimes. Other times it feels like its been forever.

Yet in all that time we have never had a home. We've had a house but its not the same thing. The thing is I dont know much about having a home instead of a house. The only time i have ever felt like I had a home was when My Brother and I lived with our Grandparents for a little over a year. So I am gonna try and remember what it was like then and incorperate that into our home life.

I really need some ideas of how to turn a house into a home.


Well I have decided to wear makeup and sunscreen everyday. I am gonna post my makeup face everyday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This blog...

Sometimes even though I have something that I want to say on this blog I dont because... Well frankly its hard to do from my phone. I believe it will be easier once I get internet at home and am able to update from my computer instead of just from my phones email app.

I am still going to post but they may not turn out like I want them too. I have plans for this blog that will probably unfold as I get my own life in order and the way that I want it to be. Just an apology and a notice.

Cross Stitching

Its currently 2:26am and I cant sleep. I want to start work on my new hobby. I am starting to do cross stitch. It really helps me to calm down and focus. I wish that I had had these when I went to the hospital with Jesse. Maybe I wouldnt have worried as much. Well wouldnt have freaked out as much after he came home.

The project that i am currently doing is a stamped cross stitch pattern of a peace sign. Its orange and purple. It even came with a mine embroidary hoop that was SUPPOSED to double as a frame but i am just gonna use something else and keep the hoop to work with. Stamped cross-stitch isnt my favorite thing to do but its a start. I prefer to use aida cloth. And do it on my own.

I have found one problem with it though. I need reading glasses to help me see the stitches better. They sometimes give me a headache. A good thing though about it is it helps with my depression and anxiety which is actually a VERY good thing. Hopefully someday I will be very good at cross-stitching.


Sunday, May 13, 2012


Well my depression had made a come back. After the week I had its not a total surprise. On the 5th Jesse got hurt by a bull and ended up with fractured ribs, blunt chest trauma, pheumothorax and a contusion on his liver. We came home from the hospital in Batesville (which was 110 miles away) on Tuesday the 8th. Since then i have been trying my best to take care of him and i am not doing that good of a job because he is fighting me every step of the way.

On another note my grandparents were in town for a visit. I really enjoyed the time with the. Espeacially since i dont know the next time that I will get to see them.

I have some new bath stuff and I need to do something to get rid of the depression that is setting in. I need advice.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Ok people i boobooed heres the real video of jesses bronc ride.

Jesse's rodeo on saturday

Jesse was gone all weekend to the rodeo in midway. He has another one this weekend. At this last one he place 3rd.