Sunday was my birthday. It was pretty much just another day but in a way it wasn't. My attitude has changed somewhat. I am taking my birthday as a fresh start. I am going to try to work on who I want to be not who I am. I have plans that need to be completed as soon as possible.
I haven't had another date yet but i don't plan on having one with the same guy. There is nothing there. He’s nice but I cant explain it. I have crushes though.
Anyway I am looking for a second job because this one isn't earning me enough. I am going to have to get me an apartment and a car of my own soon. I just wish that it was all easier but its not.
Thursday is Thanksgiving. Luckily I am off that day. Tomorrow (Well actually today) after work I am going to spend the night with my Cousins. I cant wait. It will be good for me. I hope at least.
Wish me Luck.